what is cataract

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A cataract is a medical disorder in which the natural lens of the eye becomes clouded or opaque, resulting in impaired or distorted vision. This is a prevalent cause of visual loss that is usually connect with ageing. Cataracts can, however, form as a result of damage, radiation exposure, certain drugs, or underlying medical problems such as diabetes.

The natural lens of the eye is located behind the iris and pupil and helps to focus light on the retina at the back of the eye. The lens is made up of water and proteins, and as we become older, the proteins in the lens can clump together, causing hazy areas that hinder vision. This results in cataracts.

There are several different types of cataracts, including:

1: Nuclear cataracts – These cataracts occur in the centre (nucleus) of the lens, causing the lens to yellow or brown.

2: Cortical cataracts grow in the lens’s outer edge (cortex), and they often look as white spokes that extend from the lens’s outer border to the centre.

3: Posterior subcapsular cataracts occur in the rear of the lens, right below the capsule that covers it. They frequently produce glare and halos around lights.

4: Congenital cataracts exist from birth or develop during childhood. They might be caused by inherited factors or infections obtained during pregnancy.

5: Traumatic cataracts form as a result of ocular traumas such as forceful trauma or foreign object penetration.

6: Radiation cataracts – These cataracts can form as a result of radiation exposure, such as during cancer treatment.

Cataract symptoms vary based on the kind and severity of the illness. Typical symptoms include:

1: Vision blurred or blurry

2: Light sensitivity and glare

3: Night vision problems

4: One eye has double vision.

5: Changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions on a regular basis

6: Colours that seem faded or yellowed

7: Seeing halo effects around lights

If you have any of these symptoms, you should consult an eye doctor for a thorough eye exam. A visual acuity test, which assesses how well you can see at different distances, and a slit-lamp examination, which allows the doctor to examine the lens and other components of the eye, are usually part of the exam.

Cataract therapy frequently requires surgery to remove the clouded lens and replace it with an intraocular lens (IOL). Cataract surgery is one of the most often performed surgical procedures in the United States, and it is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under local anaesthetic.

The surgeon will create a tiny incision in the eye and utilise ultrasonic waves to break up the clouded lens during the procedure. The lens pieces are then extracted, and the IOL is placed in their place. The procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes, and most patients may resume regular activities within a few days.

With a success rate of over 95%, cataract surgery is typically safe and effective. However, like with any surgical operation, there are dangers, including as infection, haemorrhage, and IOL issues. Discuss the risks and advantages of cataract surgery with your doctor to see if it is the best option for you.


In conclusion, cataracts are a prevalent ailment that can result in vision loss as well as other symptoms. Surgery is usually used to remove the clouded lens and replace it with an artificial lens. If you are having symptoms.



Q: What exactly is a cataract, and how is it treated?

A: Cataracts are hazy regions that grow on the lens of your eye. The most prevalent kind is age-related cataracts. Blurred eyesight and glare around lights are symptoms. Cataract surgery involves the removal of your clouded lens and the replacement of it with a clear artificial lens known as an IOL.

Q: What are the three kinds of cataracts?

A: Cataracts of Various Types. The most frequent kind of cataract is age-related, and it is classified into three categories depending on the structure of the human lens. Nuclear Sclerotic, Cortical, and Posterior Subcapsular Cataracts are all types of cataracts.



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