7 Health Benefits of Dates

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7 Health Benefits of Dates. Dates are frequently thought of as dessert because of their inherent sweetness and opulent flavour. Yet, this healthy fruit can provide some very significant health advantages. Here are seven ways dates can improve your health as well as quick and easy recipes that use this power fruit.

Nutritional Benefits of Dates

Dates are a delectable snack that are great on their own or with nut butter. They have the following health advantages:

. are nourishing

. possess a range of antioxidants

. are innately sweet and don’t add sugar

. Maintaining intestinal health

. Defend the heart, maintain good health, and control blood sugar

Dates Are Plenty of Nutrients

A serving of three dates contains zero fat, 54 grammes of carbohydrates with roughly five grammes of fibre, 200 calories, and one gramme of protein. Moreover, a variety of other minerals. including as B vitamins, vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and manganese, are present in lower amounts in this serving. 1 In other words, dates aren’t only loaded with sugar or calorie-free.

Dates Include a Wide Range of Antioxidants

Dates have a high amount of antioxidants, in addition to vitamins and minerals. According to a 2019 study. Dates are a good source of natural antioxidants that can be utilised to treat diseases brought on by oxidative stress.

When the body’s capacity to combat the adverse effects of free radicals and the creation of cell-damaging radicals are out of balance, oxidative stress results. It’s a sign of ageing and the cell damage that might cause illness. Dates may help prevent viral infections since they contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Dates contain a variety of antioxidants, including carotenoids, polyphenols (such as phenolic acids, isoflavones, lignans, and flavonoids), tannins, and sterols, according to additional research that was published in a 2017 study. Moreover, they have anti-fungal qualities.

Dates don’t contain any added sugar and are naturally sweet.

Dates are frequently mistaken for dried fruit, however since no water is removed, they are essentially fresh fruit. Moreover, dates have naturally occurring sugar because they are entire, unprocessed fruits. In other words, the label of an energy bar can state that it contains no added sugar. If dates are used as the sole sweetener. That’s important since added sugar is the kind we should avoid. Because it raises our risk for heart disease and obesity.

The American Heart Association (AHA) advises women to limit their daily intake of added sugar to no more than six tablespoons, or 25 grammes or 100 calories. Nine teaspoons of added sugar, or 36 grammes or 150 calories, is the recommended maximum for men. Unlike to sweeteners like cane sugar, using dates to sweeten a meal or recipe won’t deplete your daily allowance for added sugar.

Dates Promote Digestive Wellness

Three dates give around 18% of the recommended daily fibre intake, promoting healthy digestive function. In 2015, a study that focused on the effects of date eating on the gut was published in the British Journal of Nutrition. For 21 days, healthy males were given the option of eating seven dates daily as a treatment or a control addition of a carbohydrate and sugar mixture. The groups were exchanged after a 14-day washout period.

Researchers discovered that eating dates improved the frequency of the research participants’ bowel movements and decreased the amount of stool toxins known to harm cells and cause mutations that may result in cancer.

Constipation may have a disastrous impact on your energy level and general comfort. As anyone who has ever had it will attest. Dates might be a quick and easy method to move things along.

Dates promote blood sugar control and heart health.

A 2020 study examined the effects of date eating on blood lipids and the glycemic index. One hundred type 2 diabetic men and women were randomised at random to consume either no dates at all or three dates every day for 16 weeks.

A statistically significant reduction in “bad” LDL and total cholesterol was seen in the date eaters. Moreover, the HbA1c level among the date eaters remained unchanged throughout the previous two to three months. A marker of blood sugar control.

Because of their high polyphenol content, dates may be able to improve lipid profiles. Notably in terms of lowering total cholesterol and raising HDL. According to the study (polyphenols are micronutrients that naturally occur in plants). The study also reveals that due to dates’ low glycemic index. Low to moderate dates consumption had no effect on blood glucose levels.

Because of the intimate relationship between heart health and blood sugar management, the findings are significant. Heart disease, particularly heart attacks, is the leading cause of mortality in type 2 diabetics. Who also have a twofold greater risk of the condition.

Dates May Provide Brain Defense

Dates’ protective elements may also serve to protect the brain. capacity to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain, as shown in a 2016 paper, makes them a possible treatment candidate for Alzheimer’s disease.

Date May Facilitate Natural Labor

Dates may also have an extra benefit, one that is especially relevant to expectant mothers. A 2020 study examined how dates affected labour and delivery.

By reviewing previously published data, researchers came to the conclusion that consuming dates might shorten the time spent in the cervix-dilating active phase of labour. Also, it might raise the bishop score, which measures the cervix’s preparedness for labour. The duration of the first, second, and third phases of labour or the frequency of caesarean sections, however, were unaffected by date consumption.

Enjoying dates and incorporating them into meals and snacks

In a wide range of recipes, such as smoothies, energy balls, oatmeal, overnight oats, chia or avocado pudding, and baked goods, dates are my go-to sweetener. Also, I use pureed dates to make handmade vegan “ice cream” that I combine with plant milk, cinnamon, and extras like chopped dark chocolate and pitted cherries. Dates can be used in savoury meals as well. To garden salads, cooked vegetables like sautéed kale or roasted cauliflower, and veggie stir fries, they lend a natural sweetness and harmony.

Stuffed dates are one of my go-to, quick snacks throughout the year. I fill them with nut and seed butters, savoury fillings like olive tapenade and dairy-free pesto, as well as herbed nut-based, plant-based “cheeses”. Of course, they’re also ideal the way they are.



What happens if you consume dates consistently?

Experts recommend eating dates every day as a snack to help one feel energised without consuming caffeine because they help promote weight loss, treat constipation, work wonders for bone health, strengthen immunity, improve brain and heart health, and even prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s or various types of cancer or other chronic diseases.

What organs benefit from dates?

Your body receives the much-needed energy boost when you eat dates first thing in the morning. Also, eating dates in the morning helps to destroy intestinal worms, cleanses the body’s important organs, and enhances the health of the heart and liver. Antioxidants enhance the natural shine of your skin and hair.

What time of day is ideal for eating dates?

Before working out, eating dates every morning on an empty stomach can help you feel good, give you a boost of energy, and promote healthy weight loss. This is due to dates’ high fibre content, which slows nutrient absorption in the large intestine.



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